For Organisations
Tips for Organisations
VWA Volunteer Society and are the places to advertise your youth-friendly volunteer roles. But what
makes a volunteer role youth friendly?
As the peak body for volunteering in Western Australia, Volunteering WA has collaborated with Youth Affairs Council of WA through our YVolunteer program to create resources to help you navigate what motivates young people to volunteer and how you can attract more youth to your organisation.

What motivates young people to volunteer?
Learn what motivates young people to volunteer and what value can they bring to your organisation.
How do you find young people?
Learn how to find young people and attract them to your volunteer roles.
How do organisations advertise their roles through Volunteering WA and our platforms?
How to advertise your volunteering opportunities through Volunteering WA.
- Access our advertising platform VIKTORLite by becoming a member of Volunteering WA (if you are not already) or an affiliate through your local Volunteer Resource Centre. Contact our membership team {} to learn more.
- In VIKTORLite, select the ‘Youth Volunteer Roles’ template and complete the form. Alternatively, when logging your role on VIKTOR or SEEK Volunteering, mark the role as either:
- Suitable for Young Adults – 18-24
- Younger Volunteers – under 18
- Publish your volunteering opportunity and it will be displayed on Volunteering WA, GoVolunteer, VWA Volunteer Society, and YVolunteer (if marked as youth-friendly) once approved.
Need assistance? We are happy to help, please contact us {}